Monday, January 7, 2008

Hi all! We had a great day today when we left the city of Cape Town for a little bit to visit a nearby township called Atlantis. There we met Rachel Visser, the station manager and one of the founders of Radio Atlantis, a grassroots, community radio station that provides music and entertainment along with education about a range of important issues that are relevant to the community, most prominently HIV/AIDS. Rachel's passion for her work shone through in her interview, and we became first-hand witnesses to the strong connections that she has fostered within the community when, (with no prior notice,) she pulled together several extra people for us to speak to. Among those were two HIV positive community members, Alexander September and Rosaline Myrtle, who are active volunteers for Radio Atlantis, as well as other local HIV/AIDS organizations, including Treatment Action Campaign and the Atlantis AIDS/HIV Network. For Alex and Rosaline, living openly with their status in a community where stigma and denial are still very much alive, is not only a means of personal empowerment, but also a political statement. In addition, we had the opportunity to see Alex and Rosaline talk about their experiences on the air. We were really inspired by what we saw in Atlantis, and by the power of community radio to initiate dialogue, impact attitudes, and confront stigma. We are planning to return later this week to do some more filming and see more of the Radio Atlantis in action.


ilunay said...

Hey BC Buddy… I’m amazed and inspired of work you are producing. Just know that you and your work are valued and appreciated. If you encounter any hardship along the way keep in mind your mission to educate. Keep your morale high as we pray for you.. Stay safe!! Genesis greatly misses you… See you soon.. ~Ida~

Jane said...

Hey chachou its Jane just letting didn't forget about you, and also showing my support. love you

Ghost-Man said...

What's going on Doc? I hope you being safe out there and not getting caught up man. I just want to let you know that I'm proud of you and everything you doing. I'm glad you having a good time out there and enjoy yourself man . Genesis misses you be safe

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an interesting day! Thanks for keeping us updated.

tcarta said...

I am so proud of and happy for you both! Thanks for the updates -- keep it up! Sounds like you've already made some interesting connections and have learned a whole lot -- keep that up, too!
Sending you lots of good wishes and love,

Vanessa said...

You two are a true inspiration. I'm so proud of both of you. I'm looking forward to reading about more of your adventures. Keep up the amazing work! Have fun and stay safe.
Vanessa :-)

Emma said...

Hey Bro. Just stopping by to let you know once again how proud Genesis is of you.I hope that you continue to enjoy your stay in South Africa. Love you dearly


Rose said...

Hey bro how are you? Just wanna say im very proud of you and GOD is gonna continue blessing you very much. genesis always and forever.