Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We are just wrapping up our first day in Cape Town and are so excited to be here! We spent most of the day getting acclimated, running errands, and exploring the city. Cape Town is such a fascinating place with an extremely complicated history, and we are quickly realizing just how much we have to learn. In our wandering we stumbled upon an annual street parade, in which musical troupes from various communities around Cape Town compete. We got some really beautiful footage of the parade, we have no idea how we might use that footage yet, but it is a great taste of local vibrancy. Tomorrow we will reach out to some of our current contacts to try to line up some interviews, and hopefully meet more people with stories to tell.

More later,
Lynchy and Briana


Wendy Orange said...

Hey Briana, this is Wendy your old friend, friend of your mom and dad... remember? I cannot beleive how great you are in Cape Town. Keep your eyes open as you would anyway because when you return I have about 30 ending pages of a novel that takes place there, and I made it all up... Have a ball and congrats to you, world traveler.. Wendy O.

Fedline JEAN said...

Hi Chachou it's Fedline and Ronald. We tried to call you several times but could not reach you. So I Would like you to call us again so you can explain to us how to dial the numbers. I hope you are ok. We miss you a lot and we are praying for you. May God be with you.


Fedline and Ronald.

ilunay said...
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